
Our Director, Giovanni, Has Been Nominated For Yet Another Entrepreneurial Award!

It seems 2019 really is going to be a big year for our association! We’ve already scooped up two awards this year including one specifically for our founder and Director, Giovanni. We’ve now just learnt that he’s also been nominated for the award of ‘Best Entrepreneur 2019’ with the Best New Business awards

This is a very exciting nomination. The Best New Business awards recognise the best in emerging and developing companies around the UK. Whilst we’ve been in operation since 2012 we only incorporated in March 2017, which makes us quite a young company in general terms.
This is now the second specific nomination for Giovanni Soffietto for 2019 alone. What makes this finalist nomination of particular interest is that it’s not specific to Sport. Whilst Giovanni has already been crowned the 2019 Sport & Recreation Entrepreneur by the GBI Magazine this is a completely external, non association based award. This means Giovanni is being considered on his merits as an entrepreneur alongside other business owners from all other industries. There’s also a Best New Business Young Entrepreneur of the Year award which, at aged 27, Giovanni is eligible for however we’re taking his inclusion in the full category to be a very positive indication.
We asked Giovanni for his take on the nomination;
“It’s obviously superb and hugely humbling to be nominated for such a prestigious award. I didn’t know I was even in for consideration, so to receive the invitation to the awards ceremony was quite a surprise!
As I’ve said before and will continue to say going forward, it’s only possible because of the superb team and members we have around us now. The BMABA is growing considerable and it’s entirely down to you – our members, clubs, supporters and staff – so thank you! I don’t anticipate winning this award as it’s a non-association based category which means competition will be considerable, but the finalist nomination alone is a real honour.”



The award ceremony will be held in London on March 28th, so we’ll keep you all posted on how it goes!
See Our Other Awards & Achievements
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