We’re proud to offer what is fast becoming renowned as the industries finest martial arts licensing, verification & certification services for martial arts, combat & self defence instructors and clubs.

Our martial arts instructor certification and student licensing is well known as the professional, checkable and premium option for instructors serious about what they do. Stunningly designed, modern and linked to a national database that can be freely checked by anybody, anywhere 24/7, we’re leading the way for a modern martial arts and combat industry.

Take a moment to explore some of our
martial arts licensing services…

Instructor Certification & Licensing

Beautiful & professional instructor, coach & sensei documentation that’s checkable in live time from anywhere in the world.

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Club Licensing & Certification

Gain recognition and certification for your club as a whole entity, including a number of instructors and trainee instructors.

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Student Licensing & Insurance

Member to member student insurance, licensing, grade recognition, student resources at some of the industry’s best prices.

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Instructor Verification & Authentication

Ensure your credentials, grades and essential checks are ratified & recognised on our 24/7 live systems and checkable databases.

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Syllabus Licensing Service

Enjoy our leading syllabus licensing service, allowing you to gain recognition for your teaching techniques & syllabuses.

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Certification & Grade Transfers

Transfer in martial arts grades or martial arts qualifications gained under old or now non-recognised associations & NGBs.

Vocational Black Belt Gradings

Vocationally grade for a number of dan grades in a range of styles & enjoy internationally recognised certification and grades in return.

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DBS Checks

Access DBS check facilities to ensure you’re fully checked & ready to work with kids and vulnerable adults.

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First Aid Training

Access recognised first aid training courses designed to help you keep your class safe & satisfy professional criteria.

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Child Protection & Safeguarding

Get help protecting the most vulnerable members within your club with advice, guidance & training.

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Grading Integrity Scheme

Access national frameworks designed to keep gradings fair and positive. Backed by our organisation nationally.

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Truly Outstanding Martial Arts Instructor Insurance & Association Membership

All of our instructor insurance policies are combined with our world-class martial arts association membership.

That means not only will you be able to rest assured that your martial arts instructor insurance is managed by a truly professional, non-greedy organisation that really understands what you need cover for, but you’ll also be able to enjoy internationally recognised membership to a leading martial arts association, including access to a range of services, licensing and insurances to help you run your club better.

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Modern Technology For A Modern Association

BMABA Systems

Our professional, checkable & modern martial arts instructor licenses & certification are helping honest instructors get ahead of the McDojos and cowboys by offering a truly verified professional document to represent their teaching.

We’re independent, politics free & multi-styled and can license multiple styles under a single document.

Times are changing and uncheckable, unprofessional or non-indexed certificates are open to scrutiny. If an insurer, governing body, council, venue, parent or student can’t easily and conveniently check a document’s validity you could lose out.

British Martial Arts & Boxing Association issued martial arts licensing is always checkable and referenced, meaning you can scan the QR code on the document or visit our online verification centre and search by instructor name, certificate number or instructor number.

Instant Verification For Honest Instructors

If you’re an honest, hard working instructor you’ll know how frustrating it can be when McDojos can trump you with a superior marketing budget. Likewise, we know how frustrating it is having no more weight to your certification than the ‘glass screen warriors’ that call themselves yodans.

Our online verification system instantly authenticates any and all documentation in live time, so you can sure your certification will back you up when you need it to most.

Our verification service is included free of charge with all memberships.

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Free Membership & Certification

Join Us For Free


We’re keen to help as many instructors as possible reach the high standards we know make martial arts what they are.

With our association, you’ll always receive;

  • Completely independent to run your club your way.
  • A politics free governing body founded by instructors for instructors.
  • Access to leading licensing, insurance and resources to help your club grow.
  • Cutting edge technology designed to help your club grow in the 21st century.
  • Support and services from web hosting and printing through to certificates and documents.
  • Confidential professional support throughout the course of your membership.
  • Plus more.

Association Membership Certificate

Everything you and your club will ever need. One membership.

See What Membership Includes

  • Leading UK Martial Arts Organisation
  • Independent & Politics Free
  • Access To Dozens Of Tools & Services
  • A Wide Range Of Insurances Available
  • Plus Lots More