Membership Requirements & Entry Criteria

Official Guidance & Policy

If you’re thinking about joining, we look forwards to welcoming your application. Before you apply to join us online please take a moment to look through our requirements for members first.

There will likely be nothing out of the ordinary, however we really like to be absolutely clear on what we expect from each applicant first to save any confusion or ambiguity.


To Gain Membership

Grades, Qualifications & Experience     Personal Qualities        Criminal Records & Convictions 


Once A Member, To Obtain An Instructor’s License

Professional Requirements & Checks  



Questions Or Concerns About Our Eligibility Guidelines?

We’re here to help, not hinder. Any queries are answered and managed in complete confidence and we take every application on a case by case basis. If you’re genuinely a black belt (or equivalent) then you’re likely up to speed. We’ll guide you either way.
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