Grades, Qualifications & Experience

We accept that just because you’re a black belt, it doesn’t necessarily make you a good instructor. We employ a minimum grade, qualification or experience requirement for every member to ensure we’re only working with those who hold a sound level of knowledge, technical understanding and professional competency in every style they are recognised to teach.

Please select the most relevant drop box below, depending on the discipline(s) or style(s) you’ll be joining us with;

I.E: Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido, Taekwondo etc. Disciplines or styles that use grades and belts as a means of progression.

In order to join us within a graded or belted discipline, you must hold the following;

  • A minimum 1st Dan Black Belt (or equivalent, if working from Degrees or other) that has been earned after a minimum of 3 years and 8 months of continued practice



  • An association issued instructor’s certificate earned after the same minimum period of time that qualifies you as an instructor, issued by a trustworthy and reputable organisation.

  • You must be able to provide proof of this grade when applying for membership. This must be the dan grade certificate. A copy can be provided in digital format (digital copy, photograph, scan etc) or a photocopy may be sent to our office. Instructions are provided and easy to follow at the point of applying.

I.E: Mixed Martial Arts, Self Defence or Martial Arts Based Boxing and other disciplines or sports that do not traditionally have grading or belt structures

In order to join us within a non graded discipline or sport you must be able to provide the following;


  1. A minimum of 4 years continued practice within a singular style or discipline

In addition to the above, one or more of the following will also be required;

(We’ll discuss with you which of these is the most appropriate requirements to require. You may need to provide more than one, depending on individual circumstances assessed on a case by case basis.)

  • Written testimony from an instructor (whom can provide sufficient proof of grade) and who is happy to confirm that the applicant holds the appropriate level of skill, technical competency and professional integrity to instruct unsupervised.
  • Documented evidence to demonstrate continued practice for atleast 4 years in the form of club memberships, licenses, certificates or fighter records.
  • A video submission confirming a ‘snapshot’ of the applicant’s abilities and technical understanding that satisfies the board of competency.
  • An instructor’s certificate or qualification (see below).

Learn More About ‘Black Belt Equivalency’ Status

Instructor Documentation

We’re happy to accept instructor certificates or qualifications provided they are sufficient and issued by a reputable organisation;

  • If you hold an instructor’s certificate and meet the first two points of eligibility, we will generally be able to offer membership provided we are confident that the instructor’s certificate supplied has been issued by a trustworthy and professional organisation in good standing.
You’ll be pleased to know we understand the difficulties proving teaching entitlement if you practice an ungraded style and wish to set up your club in a similar town or location to that of your previous club. We know politics get involved and some past instructors may not wish to assist. If you’re in this position, please speak to us and we’ll do our best to work through the case with you.

I.E: You teach a graded discipline, such as Karate or Jujitsu as well as a non-graded discipline, such as Mixed Martial Arts Or Self Defence

In order to join us with more than one discipline in both categories, you will be expected to meet both separate eligibility guidelines for each discipline you wish to be listed for.

We do understand the possibility of ‘run over’ (I.E: Being a black belt in Jujitsu and Kick Boxing and therefore wanting to run an MMA class, without any specific certification) and this isn’t an issue. If you’re not sure, please just touch base with our office first and we’ll gladly assist in clarifying.

If you prefer, you can view our eligibility criteria in full via an official printed document.

Click here to view the most recent online hard copy.

Requirements To Gain Membership

Grades, Qualifications & Experience     Personal Qualities        Criminal Records & Convictions 

Questions Or Concerns About Our Eligibility Guidelines?

We’re here to help, not hinder. Any queries are answered and managed in complete confidence and we take every application on a case by case basis. If you’re genuinely a black belt (or equivalent) then you’re likely up to speed. We’ll guide you either way.
Get In Touch With Us