Discounted Safeguarding Qualifications &
Training For Martial Arts 

It’s critically important you’re able to safeguard your young or vulnerable members. Safeguarding is about identifying risks, knowing how to handle victims of abuse and understanding how to escalate and report to prevent further harm.

We’re able to provide access to an accredited online safeguarding course that usually retails at £27.99 for just £9.80 (a massive 65% discount) exclusively to our paying members.

This online course is essential for all those who work or volunteer directly with children, young people or their families. Compliant with the latest legislation, government guidance and with direct links to your local Safeguarding Children Board, this course covers everything workers need to know about what might concern them, how to respond to concerns appropriately and consider safer working practice. The course also meets the training requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC),  and Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted).

Online Safeguarding Children Course Content

This general course covers

  • Legislation and guidance on safeguarding children
  • The recognition and types of child abuse
  • How to respond to concerns and what to do in the event of a disclosure
  • Who to contact when there is a child protection concern
  • Fulfilling your “duty of care”
  • Safer practice and keeping children safe

A personalised and dated certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the Standard Child Safeguarding training course. Certificates can be downloaded in PDF format and printed at any time. Safeguarding course certificates remain valid for two years.

A valid safeguarding qualification is considered essential by our association for any instructor’s working with children or vulnerable adults.

You’ll need to be a BMABA registered member in order to use our martial arts DBS checks.

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