Martial Arts First Aid Training

Having a proficient level of first aid training isn’t just common sense – it’s essential. You’re working with adults and children in a very physical and sometimes somewhat dangerous environment. Knowing what to do should the worse happen is about more than just your duty of care – it’s a moral obligation to protect your members too.

We require all of our instructors to hold a sufficient level of first aid training in order to obtain an instructor’s license and can provide you with a discounted option for obtaining martial arts based first aid training.

Discounted Online Martial Arts
Specific First Aid Training, Exclusively To BMABA Members

We want to help our members be responsible, professional instructors and provide an exclusive BMABA only discount for martial arts specific online first aid training, which comes with external certification and is endorsed by our insurance providers as a valid form of first aid training.


This recommended e-course usually costs £29.95+VAT however BMABA members can enjoy
an exclusive discount, reducing costs to just £19.95+VAT.

You’ll need to be BMABA registered in order to enjoy our exclusive online martial arts first aid training discount through ProTrainings.

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Below is some more information regarding the Martial Arts First Aid course and the curriculum it follows:

Martial Arts First Aid – First Aid for Martial Arts


This course is specially designed to cater for the injuries that could occur with martial arts training and classes. Covered in the courses are different subjects that would apply to any martial arts sector. The course is ideal for instructors and students.

Martial Arts by its nature presents risk. When carried out correctly, injury does not usually happen, but in the case where it does, the responsible precaution is for everyone to have a basic understanding of what to do. This course covers injuries, including contact injuries, cardiac arrest, as well as illnesses like allergic reaction. First aid is an easy skill to learn, and the training is delivered in a series of short videos with knowledge review questions to increase understanding. All the videos are filmed in a martial arts setting and based on real problems that you may face.

This online course offers a flexible training delivery, but if you want a practical part, our provider has a network of approved instructors who can deliver a skill session after you complete the online course.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

This course comes with 4.0 hrs (6.0 class) of CPD, although the time to complete the course online may be less than this. Total course time includes 1 hours and 48 minutes of video training as well as knowledge reviews, final test, remedial help and reviewing downloaded material.

Occupations that can use this course:

  • Martial Arts Instructor
  • Martial Arts Schools
  • Martial Arts students
  • Martial Arts Organisations


  • Scene/Incident Management
  • Keeping safe
  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • General fitness
  • Recovery Position
  • Heart Attack
  • CPR
  • Compression only CPR
  • Choking
  • Bleeding
  • Shock and Fainting
  • Head Injuries
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Dislocations and Fractures
  • Eye injuries
  • Dental Injuries
  • Asthma
  • Managing Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Post Incident Reporting


What About Extracurricular First Aid Training?

We’re serious about giving our instructors the opportunity to go above and beyond the basic first aid requirements. These requirements at the bottom line and therefore we always recommended, where possible, you do what you can to exceed them.

We offer our members a range of internal additional care opportunities and discounts where possible on external physical first aid courses too.

Do I Need To Be First Aid Qualified In Order To Join The BMABA?

You don’t need to already be first aid trained to join our association, but you do need to have a first aid qualification to take out any instructor insurance through us or to activate your instructor’s license.

Do I Need To Be First Aid Qualified To Teach Martial Arts?

You have a duty of care to protect your students, customers or clients. It’s a legal duty of care. Making sure you’re first aid trained should someone suffer an accident is a no brainer.

What If I’m Already First Aid Trained / Qualified?

If you’re already first aid trained by an approved provider that’s absolutely fine and we can recognise your current qualification, provided it’s got atleast 3 months left to run on it.

Do I Have To Use This BMABA Recommended Martial Arts First Aid Provider?

You’re free to gain your first aid qualifications from any approved first aid provider, you don’t have to use our recommended insurer, however we provide this discount and recommendation as it’s a very thorough course that can be completed online which is much easier for alot of our instructors who already have busy work life commitments.


You’ll need to be BMABA registered in order to enjoy our exclusive online martial arts first aid training discount through ProTrainings.

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