Our Ethics & Standards
We understand that an association doesn’t work with dictatorship – that’s partly why we’re dedicated to being politics free. Both our members and our committee must have a strong & jointly agreed set of ethics & standards to ensure everybody who joins knows what to expect of us, and in turn what we expect from them.
As an association we’re committed to the ethics & standards we present to our members and the general public. We’re also committed to ensuring those same standards are met by those whom are members of our body. It’s part of our bid to remain an open & transparent organisation.
We strongly believe that;
- All applicants to our association are equal regardless of age, gender, location, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, creed or any other personal preferences.
- Everybody has the right to be treated with respect and courtesy in a professional, friendly manor.
- Our members have the right to feel safe and protected when using our online resources & services, confident that information or personal details are not shared with any third parties without consent.
- We have a reasonable duty of care to protect the security of our site & services for those whom use it.
- That everybody has a right to voice their opinions on how our Association should be run and how it can be improved.
- That anybody who is found to be fraudulently presenting false documentation or grade, or behaving in a way that has, or is likely to, cause offensive, upset, hatred or violence shall be barred indefinitely.
- That only truly qualified & professional instructors, senseis, coaches and individuals should be granted membership to our Association, and that we must do our best to diligently verify this before granting membership privileges.
- That our entry requirements must not only present some of the highest standards in our industry, but they must also allow a fair & clearly understandable set of rulings and routes to allow memberships for those not yet up to grade.
- That our organisation must remain for the benefit & good of the ‘community’.
- That profit should not come before service, nor should profit come before the development of our organisation and it’s aims.
- That we are answerable to our members – both instructors and students.
We believe that our instructor and teaching members should;
- Hold all appropriate professional and personal qualifications, grades and training to do their job or teach their style(s) correctly, safely and professionally.
- Behave in a way that is professional, courteous and kind, protecting the nature of respect & care that is a great part of our arts and disciplines.
- Feel safe and equipped to their job or teach their style freely without fear of violence, abuse or intimidation.
- Present only truthful accounts of grade, qualification or training and continue to work towards developing their professional understanding
- Follow our membership guidelines & code of conduct for the protection and development of the industry and those within it.
- Make safeguarding children and vulnerable members of our community an absolute priority at all times, and take responsibility for important issues like safeguarding and health and safety.
We also believe that our student members should;
- Always offer respect to the instructors and clubs teaching them.
- Do all within their power to keep themselves, and their fellow club members safe.
- Always act in a way that is courteous, kind and humane.
- Never use the techniques taught unless in the preservation of life.
- Always try and remain open and honest with their instructor and their association.
As an association we take strict & firm steps to ensure these ethics and standards are adhered to. We’re proud to be community run and currently hold one of the best reputations in our industry.
These ethics & standards are to be applied in conjunction with our legal policy, privacy policy & terms and conditions, available from the footer of every page in our network.
They are also in accordance with our Association Charter.